After 10 Years Without Sex, Angry Wife Cut Off Her Husbands Penis.


28 year old Rita Yandav from India cut off her husband, 31 year old Ved Prakash penis because he has not had sex with her in 10 years. Thats a long time for someone so young. She also claim that he had been having an affair and used to abuse her through out their 11 year marriage. Rita wanted to have children and her husband refused to have sex for her to become a mother. 

Read. Man cut off his penis because his wife has not had sex with him in 10 years.

Police say that when Ved returned home from his job as a taxi driver, he went to take a shower, thats when she attacked him. Rita knocked him out conscious when he stepped out of the shower and then uses a kitchen knife to cut his penis. Rita turned herself in to the police after the incident. Doctors managed to repair Ved’s penis after a 5 hour surgery.  Read the full story here.

Source-Daily Mail